Thursday, March 15, 2007


Tonight I am thinking about words. Words that have only come into my regular vocabulary since having three children. I wish they weren't here but they are. Words like hemorrhoids, variscosities, yeast, pelvic exam, heartburn, swelling, insomnia, contractions, nausea, stitches and the like. BUT then there are the other words. The nice words. You think I'm going to list those too don't you? Sorry. You have to wait for these. These words do not come until after you deliver. There is some sort of magic "I love pregnancy and childbirth" vocabulary hormone you get at some point after childbirth. The lucky ones get it right away. They lie in recovery and want to get pregnant all over again. For others it takes months but it will come. You will forget the bad words and they WILL be replaced with the good. So I just try to forget these impending conditions and focus on the incredible feeling of a newborn in my arms and a hemorrhoid in my...oh wait I was supposed to forget about that. Oh well.

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