Friday, March 9, 2007

It's Positive

Tonight I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. It was so exciting. I had an accelerated heart rate, I was shaky, and I had to apply additional deodorant because all of a sudden my armpits were moist.

This is the fourth time for me. My youngest is only 11 months. I was not planning on having another child so soon. But what's done is done and my husband and I can honestly say we are already attached to this child too.

I have two goals with this pregnancy:

•To get on Television
•To make One Million Dollars

These goals aren't a joke, I'm serious. I'm going to be 30 this year. Tons of people in this country make a million by the time they're 30. Why shouldn't I? I work like crazy 24-7. As far as the television part, I know that if I ever get on television, there will be people there who are getting paid to make sure I have on a nice outfit and am actually wearing make-up. This is coming from someone who isn't even sure if make-up is a hyphenated word.

I figured this blog was a good way to start. I feel I may have something to offer the pregnant community since I have done this three times before. So let's begin with ten things to do when you get a positive pregnancy test:
1. Rejoice. Celebrate.

2. Take a vitamin with folic acid. It will make you feel better when you begin to read pregnancy books.

3. Take a picture of your stomach. It will never be this flat again.

4. Eat something. Soon things will not taste the same.

5. Wear your skinniest pair of jeans. Soon things will not fit the same.

6. If you're a smoker, stop.

7. If you drink, stop.

8. Go out to dinner and to the movies. Soon you will not be able to do this without days of planning and brain power you do not have.

9. Ask questions and find a good obstetrician if you don't already have one.

10. Start putting together the jillion piece puzzle inside of you and try to enjoy every minute of it.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I'm happy for you guys. Now don't let morning sickness ruin the moment. Have some treatment for morning sickness ready for the morning sickness week.