Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Still Here

Well, I have broken my vow to myself to write every day. We are out of town visiting my parents and my late night time to blog isn't possible because the computer resides in my parents bedroom. It's no excuse though. My best excuse is that the nausea and exhaustion has hit me full force these last few days. I had this vision. You know when you go and give blood, there are like a dozen or so recliners in a big room, and you lie there and they are real nice to you as you donate. Anyways, I think there is something that happens to pregnant women in their first trimester. While we are asleep at night, we are kidnapped and taken to a big room full of beds where they plug something into your belly button (I picked belly button because that's where my two year old thinks babies come out of) that extracts all your energy out. You are left feeling limp, hungry, nauseated, and depressed all at the same time.

Where do these people come from? Why do they feel it necessary to zap you of all your strength, personality, and ability to function normally? It is a phenomenon I will never understand.

But, I have done this before and I do know that it doesn't last forever. And some days are better than others. Hence, my ability to actually blog today. My advice to the first trimester energy zapped pregnant woman: ONE DAY AT A TIME. Take a nap. Your body is busy like forming organs and stuff. It's no small task.

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