Saturday, March 10, 2007

Still wearing my skinny pants

Even though it is way past midnight, I must share that I achieved some of my own previously listed things to do.

Tonight I wore somewhat tight pants out with some friends to eat and then we went to the movies. I relished every moment. Despite our efforts, my husband and I leaked the information to some close friends. (Word to the pregnant: Don't leave your positive pregnancy test sitting in the bathroom when friends come over for dinner.) I usually try to wait a few weeks at least. I just like to let the knowledge age in my own mind before I have to share it with others. Especially this time since I am not even a year out from delivering the last.

I am brainstorming ways to make a million before I deliver. But for now, my goal is just to write every day. With three munchkins running around, this is enough aspiration.

So there you have it. Oh, and I took my vitamin today. Make that one more thing off my list.

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