Monday, April 9, 2007


Here they are. Reasons why I haven't written a million dollar blog lately. As if anyone cares!

1. I have a husband who is unemployed and home all day.
2. I have a five and a half year old who asks a lot of questions.
3. I have a two and a half year old.
4. I have a one year old.
5. Two of these four people poop their pants.
6. Last week we all had the stomach flu.
7. I am tired.
8. I am nauseated.
9. I am not feeling creative.
10. I already got my million dollars!

Just kidding on that last one. It's really not important to me so much anymore. It will take more energy and brain power than I can currently afford. But I am going to keep this pregnancy important and keep this journal of the experience. I am 10 weeks pregnant now and I'm actually having a better day. Not so sick and exhausted. I cleaned out my refrigerator. I am embarrassed to say that that last time I did this was right before I had my last baby. So it's been over a year. It was pretty gross. Actually, it was really gross. Whatever. At least it didn't aggravate my hemorrhoids like it did last time. Sorry if that's too much information. Pregnancy is not for the faint of heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Morning sickness is basically the result of hormones kicking in the body. What pregnant moms need is lots of patience and some treatment for morning sickness to manage the symptoms during the morning sickness weeks.